Gentlemen may not wear hats of any kind, shorts, jeans, open-toed shoes or shirts without collars while in the City Club. Appropriate, tasteful attire must be worn while in the City Club at all times. The Peachtree Dining Room and Living Room can be used by ladies and gentlemen wearing appropriate attire and gentlemen, in particular, wearing either a suit coat or sports jacket during dinner hours. Ties are traditionally worn in the dining room, but are not required. An exception to the coat rule might include dining on the porch during the warmer months or Club member events where a relaxation of the dress code will be made known prior to the event.
The Overlook, Family Grill and 1883 Tavern - Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. For the comfort of members, golf and tennis attire may be worn during lunch only, as well as premium dress denim. Gentlemen must remove their hats upon entering the dining rooms.
Fireside Room - Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. Gentlemen and boys must wear collared shirts and remove their hats when entering the clubhouse. Premium dress denim may be worn by ladies only.
Golf attire may be worn. Coats and neckties are not required in the clubhouse.
Proper tennis attire must be worn, including regulation tennis shoes with soft soles and no heels. Track shoes or sharp soles are not permitted.
All players are required to dress in appropriate and tasteful attire for all golf facilities (courses, practice areas and golf shops). For men and boys, this rule requires collared or mock turtleneck shirts worn tucked into slacks or Bermuda length shorts. Headwear must be worn in a traditional forward-facing manner. For ladies, golf shirts may be worn not tucked in, only if designed as such. Soft spikes are required for all players. Blue jeans, tee shirts, tennis or athletic attire and bathing suits are never appropriate for golf facilities, except that jeans may be worn in the golf shops. The golf staff will require compliance prior to use of the facilities.
Cellular/Smartphones/Texting/Laptops/Tablets/Digital Readers/Cameras
The Club's policies relating to electronic communication devices are intended to ensure privacy and minimize disturbance to fellow members and guests. Members are responsible for informing their guests of Club policies and for breaches of such policies by their guests.
Except for where noted, cellular/smartphones, tablets, digital readers and laptops are permitted in all areas of the Club, but must remain inaudible and in silent/vibrate mode at all times. These devices are not allowed at all in the Fireside Room, The Overlook and the Peachtree Room. The use of these devices is not permitted by the driver of any moving vehicle on Club premises. The use of phone/tablet cameras or other photographic devices is prohibited in situations where members and guests would reasonably expect privacy.
Audible use of electronic devices is strictly prohibited in all areas of the Club, including the golf course, swimming pool, tennis and fitness facilities. Audible use is only permitted in telephone booths, privately reserved rooms, behind closed doors of vehicles parked in member lots, and where expressly indicated.
Doctors "on call" are the only classification of members or guests who may receive emergency cell phone calls/messages in the golf, tennis, fitness, pool and fishing facilities. Prior to usage, they must advise the professional shops of their "on call" status.
Members and guests shall park vehicles only in numbered spaces. Due to fire department regulations, parking is prohibited around the front and side circles of the Country Club. Valet service is available at the City Club and Country Club.
All member cars must have a Club vehicle decal displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the front windshield. Forms can be obtained by contacting Amy Sneed at [email protected] or 404-231-6901. You are required to complete a vehicle information form each time you are issued a new decal.
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